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calender icon, Soft Robotics Lab, NUS. Designed and developed by SitesGo singapore.
Jan. 14-19, 2024

GRC Robotics 2024

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calender icon, Soft Robotics Lab, NUS. Designed and developed by SitesGo singapore.
April 14-17, 2024

RoboSoft 2024

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calender icon, Soft Robotics Lab, NUS. Designed and developed by SitesGo singapore.
October 14-18, 2024

IROS 2024


Soft Robotics Group

At the Soft Robotics Lab, we investigate soft robotics technologies, from materials to sensors and actuators, we study the way soft robots are modelled and controlled, and we engineer novel robotic solutions that are more adaptive, intelligent, resilient, and energetically efficient.

Soft robotics is an interdisciplinary field in robotics, investigating how to build robots with soft materials and deformable and structures. Imagining soft and deformable robots means breaking conventions and transforming the traditional idea of robots and their functionality. Soft robotics is not just a new direction of technological development, but a novel approach to robotics, unhinging its fundamentals, with the potential to produce a new generation of robots, in the support of humans in our natural environments.

Research Themes

At the Soft Robotics Lab, we study the way soft robots are modeled and controlled, and we engineer novel robotic solutions that are more adaptive, intelligent, resilient, and energetically efficient.

Learn More


smart logo, sites go, MIT, soft robotics lab
politechnico milano 1863 logo
, SoftRobotics Lab, NUS Singapore, SitesGo Websites
scuola superiore sant'anna, Prof. Cecilia Laschi, SoftRobotics Lab, NUS Singapore, SitesGo Websites
naples logo, Prof. Cecilia Laschi, SoftRobotics Lab, NUS Singapore, SitesGo Websites
singapore institute of technology, Prof. Cecilia Laschi, SoftRobotics Lab, NUS Singapore, SitesGo Websites
montfort care, Prof. Cecilia Laschi, SoftRobotics Lab, NUS Singapore, SitesGo Websites
NUS Prof. Cecilia Laschi, SoftRobotics Lab, NUS Singapore, SitesGo Websites
IIT Bombay, India, Prof. Cecilia Laschi, SoftRobotics Lab, NUS Singapore, SitesGo Websites